viernes, 31 de enero de 2020

Practice the GRAMMAR from UNIT 3!!

If you click on these links, you can practice COMPARATIVES and SUPERLATIVES.

Click below to practice WHO, WHICH and WHERE

WHO, WHICH, WHERE, WHOSE (WHOSE is used to express possesion. Ex--> This is the woman. I found her car keys. --> This is the woman whose car keys I found) It doesn't come up in the exam, though, so don't worry!

Click below to practice ORDER OF ADJECTIVES:

Remember to review the vocabulary and the irregular verbs as well.

Good luck and have a nice weekend!!!

martes, 21 de enero de 2020



Here you can download this unit's reviews, in Spanish and in English:

You can also download the review cards we use in class everyday --> here <-- It's a very good idea to use them AFTER you have studied, to check if you remember!!

You can also watch again the video we saw in class about pregnancy:

Enjoy! 💖💖💖😄😍